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Be Positive

Are you generally a positive, upbeat type of person? Do you complain about what’s wrong and unfair and needs to change? Maybe it’s your attitude.

Being positive is usually just a matter of training your mind. Of course, you can train it to be negative, or to complain, just as easily. But, you’ll start gravitating to people who are like that too.

You may have noticed that complainers complain and that birds of a feather flock together. Be mindful of which groups you belong to.

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Feel But Then Think

We feel first. But do we reflect on those feelings properly and often enough?

We have an ability to understand ourselves better yet few people take the pause to really consider this.

If you feel harshly about someone, what is the real feeling from? Don’t consider why you think you feel that way. Rather, try to understand what it is that is creating the actual feeling for you.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Thank God Trump Is Alive

Like him or not, the assassination attempt on Saturday was shocking but not surprising.

The left leaning politicians, media and other assorted people with megaphones or an opinion, have been wishcasting for President Trump’s untimely death, murder, for 8 years now.

Say horrible, misleading and often untrue things about someone for long enough and of course you’ll get some would-be hero to step up and be the assassin.

Murder is wrong. Premeditated murder is definitely wrong. Yet, so many have ratcheted up the hateful sentiment over the years. If you are one of them, go look in the mirror. Helping to create the environment for evil to flourish in, should not be a proud moment for a good person.

World War I started with the assassination of one leader. When you invite Evil to your door, don’t expect it to wait for an ok to come in.

Many on the centre right had said for 6-8 months that this day was likely to come as The President and his followers continued to attack Donald Trump’s character rather than debate policies.

Trump wants to unite everyone. And I hope he does. I hope people with fear, anger and hate in their hearts will realise that they’ve been sold an evil perspective by the media and they can break the trance at any time.

Thank God Trump is alive.