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Why Bother?

Many times you may see a chore, especially a repetitive one, and think, why bother. It can be easy to dismiss things. Yet, these can be important for structure in your day, health and cleanliness, benefit to others or even to give you purpose.

It can be easy to dismiss things like admin, cleaning or tidying. But they mount up and compound. Then you can get into even bigger trouble.

Learn to be tidier. It’s a skill you can gradually develop and is useful throughout your life.

Bother to do things. It builds discipline, self-esteem, confidence and even pride. Your life will be richer for it.

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Memory is an an incredible tool and human function. Think about how amazing it is.

It allows you to start each day knowing how to eat and speak using your full vocabulary. It is also useful in knowing where you parked your car, knowing how to drive and where you are going.

When you think about it for a minute or two, you will realise how absolutely critical memory is in our everyday life.

Another time you will recognise its incredible value is when you lose it or someone you know does. It is then that you will appreciate its magnificent magic.

Forgetting where your keys are is just a glimpse into this. So is not recalling someone’s name. It can be frustrating, time consuming and a little disheartening.

So keep using your memory to the fullest amount every day. Practice and train your brain as often as you can.

Memory is an incredible tool. We will miss it if and when it is gone. We just might not remember why.

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Your Health

The most important asset you have is your health. Be mindful and take care of it. Properly! Avoid cutting corners.

Learn how to sleep like a bear. Be physically active. Develop your resilience skills. Be aware of what you eat and drink. This will have more impact on your quality of life than nearly anything else. It will impact your look, how you feel, your self esteem, a great deal of illnesses you could develop and other mental health issues.

Take it seriously. Get properly aware. Become a disciplined person. Then enjoy it all.

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Sometimes we push the limits because we’re enjoying ourselves and sometimes we have overflowing responsibilities. It does happen.

Remember to get rest as soon as you can though. Your health is key.