CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessThink About It

Brain-Body Coordination

The brain is quite incredible. While watching my son play field hockey Saturday morning, I was struck by how incredible brain-body coordination is.

The players were taking shots on the keeper and it was a sight to see. There were a series of passes, players changing places and then the final player would take their big shot on the net.

Think of what the brain is doing and what the body is doing! There is eye movement, strategy assessment, angle, velocity and height calculations and all while the body is bending, moving forward, aligning for the shot and finally shooting with the occasional precision they were attempting.

That in itself is wildly incredible. If they get it where they wanted to, it is even more spectacular. The complexity of calculating a target probability, assessing the situation, moving into the best position and making it all happen in a second or two is something we should marvel at more often than most of us probably do.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Get Good Sleep

Take an evening and go to bed by 9pm. Stop getting more things done. Turn off the entertainment (tv, phone, etc). Just go get yourself to bed and have a great nights sleep. You’ll feel great in the morning: Refreshed and pleased with your self discipline.

CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Remember To Smile

This one thing will win you more friends, interviews, promotions, sales and romantic relationships than just about anything else you could think of.

Smiling is fun, contagious, exciting, uplifting and joyful. Is hard not to smile if someone smiles at you. So if you train yourself to be the first to smile, you’ll get people smiling back.

Since our body state helps inform our mental state, if your body is holding a smile, you are more likely to be happy inside too.

So remember to smile, all the time, every day. Not just in photos.

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Delight Versus Settling

Are you 100% delighted with every part of your life? Or have you simply settled with where you are at? This is a tricky mental game.

If you say you are fine – you have probably settled. Fine is just that – fine. It is not amazing, delighted or “filled with joy”. And yet you can move much closer to those if you would just admit you wanted more or better in different parts of your life.

But that is where the tricky is. You might be afraid to admit you want more. This can be, in part, because if you admit you want better, you would feel silly not aiming for better. The reasons for this could be many but I would suggest it is mainly because it would involve some change in your life. Changing would be uncomfortable. And what if you failed?

Wanting something better is an admission things aren’t as you wish they were. And it would involve doing things differently. So you squash down your dreams, desires and goals. You say things are fine and hope no one presses you on it. How many years do you want to live like that? One? Five? 26?

Stop settling from today. Start aiming for brilliant, amazing, delighted, or even “so pleased”. It could be your weight or fitness, your income, savings and investments or relationship with your spouse, parent, sibling or children.

You can have level 10 across all areas of your life. First, be honest with yourself. Then set some new targets with some sensible timelines and get working on the life you would love to live rather than settling for one that is simply fine.

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Are You Doing All You Can?

You don’t have to do everything and say yes to all invitations, but are you doing all that you can? Could you do more of what you really want or that would be very beneficial to you or others?

This doesn’t mean adding more to your plate. I would even say you should probably remove a bunch of things from your plate. Do you really need to watch the news or read a newspaper? Could that 30-60 minutes per day be better used?

What about tv? There are a lot of interesting shows on tv, but could you do something interesting rather than watch something interesting?

Could you improve your skills, volunteer, reach more people, reach your ideal weight or wealth target or even just learn to relax more and improve your resilience?

Think about it. You have the ability to achieve anything you set your mind to. You can start small with bigger dreams ahead as you shift some time blocks in your life. You can do this. Start today and make the impact you really want to make. Do less but have more of an impact on you and others.

If you are intrigued, but aren’t sure how to start, pick up my book Achieve Anything in Hardback (50% off), paperback, Audiobook (first book free) or ebook. It could change your life.

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What to do and what not to do. Some people accept ageing as a part of the life process while others don’t. Some people may even be happier as they age because they are living longer than some of their less fortunate friends. If they appreciate what they have rather than what they are losing, they will struggle less with the eventualities of life.

Your body and mind may not be what they were, and some decline is inevitable, but you can appreciate what you still have.

Staring mortality in the face is not an easy task. And it would seem natural to be angry, frustrated, upset, disillusioned and startled. It is hard to tell how you will respond to the situation when the endgame becomes obvious.

However, hold your chin up, enjoy what you’ve experienced and role model wisdom and appreciation rather than fear and panic. 10 billion people have gone before you and had to deal with the end one way or another. Take some time now to consider your viewpoints and make some plans. This will make the acceptance easier when the final curtain becomes inevitable.

CategoriesActionHealth & Fitness

The Art Of Sleeping Anywhere

Sometimes you just need rest. You need to reenergise. But you don’t always have a nice, comfy bed to sleep in. Can you sleep anywhere or only in a bed?

Over the years I’ve slept in some unusual places. And I have known people to be able to sleep wherever is necessary. Some people can fall asleep in the chair across from you, when the feeling hits.

Develop the art of sleeping anywhere. It’s a good skill to have. Whether it’s on a chair, on the floor, in a hammock, on milk crates, standing up, at a desk, etc., learn to do it where you can. When the moment comes that your brain or body needs rest, be practical with your surroundings.

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Set Goals With Milestones

I did that this morning and it worked great! I was at a cottage and wanted to kayak to one end of the lake. So I set my goal and estimated time. Then I had some mini goals, or milestones, which I set.

In addition to these, I gave myself some MTO goals. This made it easy to bail out of the Outrageous goal, if I didn’t have the time or energy to succeed with it, but still feel good that I had surpassed my minimum goal or even target goal.

Each milestone I passed gave me more energy to complete the reducing remaining amount. I celebrated each one which kept me positive and determined, despite the intense sun, sore hands and arms and aching bottom.

Despite the headwind and frequent foot high waves, I pushed through and did the whole circuit.

It was a gorgeous, sunny day with fabulous warmth (28C). Blue skies were peppered with occasional clouds, one was even fish shaped.

If you would like to learn more about how to achieve more in your life, pick up my new book, Achieve Anything, which is now out on Audible – A brilliant way to hear all the great content.

You’ll even learn more about MTO, goal and milestone setting and celebrating. Pick up your copy today! Click the link below or go to Audible to get it now.