CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

School Sports Days

If your child is having a school sports day, do what you can do to go. And when you are there, cheer on your child. Only positive vibes, praise and encouragement though.

Cheer on their friends too, even if they are on other teams. This isn’t the Olympics and all kids should have some cheering. For most people, it’s not often in life when people openly cheer for you.

Remind your children to thank the teachers, helpers, organisers, refs, coaches, timers, medic, etc. These people all helped to make this great day happen. You could go say a few thank you’s too. Nothing like good role modelling and a display of gratitude to people who deserve it (and probably greatly appreciate the acknowledgment).

Remember good sportsmanship and respect. Have a lot of fun. Watch your children, especially in every event possible. Encourage them and praise them often.

Help any children that aren’t feeling well or seem a little down. Check in on them and help them find their smile. Especially children for whom their parents or carers were unable to attend. Learn their names and then shout their name, support and encourage them and make them feel special and a part of the day.

Despite the protesting from your child or others that they do not want you to cheer, be embarrassing or shout their name, there is a little piece in side of them that is delighted that someone has noticed them.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessWeightWeight loss

Eat Less

Stop before you are full. Don’t snack. Or if you do, take 2-6 of the item and return the pack to the fridge or cupboard. Then, only eat what you took and walk away.

Drink a glass of water when you get out of bed. Have another one every time you go to have a snack or a meal.

Commit and stand tall and be proud of yourself for sticking to your plan each hour.

Move more too!

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Flirt With Your Partner

After the initial mating rituals, this skill can get rusty. These can be simple gestures like a look, a smile, a tilt of the head, the raise of an eyebrow or a compliment even. These all add mental pleasure to a relationship. It is fun to give and receive and uplifting too!

Keep your relationship fresh and your spirit young. Flirt daily with your partner. And if you’re both a little rusty, have fun re-developing your skills. As you get older, these simple things are one of the few things you’ll be able to easily do and still get great joy from it. Start retraining today.

CategoriesActionFinancialGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Decision-Makers Not Covid

I keep hearing or reading that Covid did this to us in relation to finance, mental health and the economy. It’s easy to say and rolls off the tongue without having to think much about it.

But was it really Covid? Is it really Covid still? Covid is a virus that can get into your body and might impact it. Many people may never experience it while others may have no symptoms, mild symptoms or severe symptoms. In a very small percentage of cases, it can even be the primary cause of death.

As a virus, it does its thing. But Covid doesn’t print money, adjust interest rates or make rules about lockdowns, essential businesses, social distancing, or travel policy. Nor does Covid determine the economic situation in any country. It is not a producer or a consumer.

Just like fire, Covid just is. It is individual people’s reaction to it that impacts other things in life.

If you like, or don’t like, where you or your country is at right now, then let the decision-makers know. It was, and is, them that are making decisions about your city, region or country. Don’t let them say it’s Covid. It’s not. It’s their reaction to it, so it is them.

Decision-makers around the world made different decisions and still the covid outcomes we’re similar. Some people were infected and a range of health outcomes occurred. The virus is still here but now there are a host of other unintended consequences to deal with because of decisions made and still being made.

We could all be a little more accurate with our words. The decision-makers have led us to this spot, good or bad, not Covid.

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveReframe your thoughtsWeightWeight loss

Your Health Matters

Don’t leave it to chance. Don’t be lazy with it. Be in your best shape. Eat the best, nutritious, natural food that you can.

It’s your one body for life. Treat it that way.

Eat better. Eat less. Walk more. Lift some lite weights, or cans of soup, for just 5 minutes per day. Make your body glow.

You’ll miss what you had if you don’t spend 10 minutes per day on upkeep. So easy to make it a habit. So easy not to as well. What type of person are you? Maintainer of your amazing body? Or the, ‘Who cares’, type?

Notice how this philosophy permeates the rest of your life. Be brutally honest with yourself – is this what you actually, truly want and would wish for, if a genie granted you three wishes?

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Take A Walk In The Rain

I love sunshine. Warm and sunny are how I order up my days. Especially on holiday!

However, I do enjoy the occasional walk in the rain. It can be exhilarating, fresh and fun! The timing needs to be unimportant, like not during an outdoor wedding, graduation or concert.

But heading out in the rain means one more thing you have to overcome in a day. And it is an easy win. You can get a bit wet and then return home and change into something dry and warm up.

Rain can be fun. You might just need a mindset shift in order to see it.

CategoriesHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsWeightWeight loss

Water Sandwich

This is a great tactic to help you lose weight or maintain a certain weight range. I call it the water sandwich.

A key element to weight management and overall health and fitness is to drink a couple of litres of water each day. But this can be difficult, especially for people not used to drinking that much water each day. They often forget or put it off, especially if they don’t enjoy the taste.

However, we often enjoy a little too much of our favourite foods. So the water sandwich idea to minimise food intake and maximise water intake is as follows:

Take the item that you are craving, or want in the moment, and have just a small bite. This gets you interested in having more and has the benefit of getting the food taste in your mouth.

Then drink a glass or pint of water. If you do it quickly, you’ll still have the idea of the taste of your preferred food in your mouth or mind. This helps you get a large amount of water on board.

Finally, take another small bite of your preferred food and walk away. Now you feel full from all of the water and you walk away with the taste of your preferred food on your tastebuds. Yet, you’re so full from the pint of water, you couldn’t imagine having any more of the food at the moment.

There you have it. The water sandwich is an excellent tool to use to increase water intake and reduce food consumption while still getting the nice taste of certain foods. Try it.

CategoriesHealth & FitnessObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsWeight loss

Then What?

These two words can dramatically improve your life. Why? Because most people have trained themselves in short term, one-step thinking. People often do better, in the long term, if they incorporate more ‘several-step’ thinking into their life.

Simply by asking, ‘Then what?’, more often, you will train your brain to consider outcomes beyond the immediate and into the longer term.

This can help in all sorts of areas of your life. Weight loss is one. If I eat this delicious cake, then what? I will need to work out more tomorrow. And it will take more time. Then what? Then I’ll be late for work. So with just a couple of ‘then what’s’, we see undesirable outcomes because of our initial behaviour.

This can be applied to house purchases, holiday planning and career path considerations, to name a few things.