CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

Find Your Pastime

Is there something you love to do? Could you make some money doing it? Maybe that is your next move.

Start small and build up while you have a primary job and in a few short years, this new pastime could be your only job.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

Some People Are Tricky

There is a lot of complexity in some people. Often this comes from turbulent experiences, though sometimes it’s their desire for a fight, drama or control.

Spot these people early and stay clear as much as you can.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

The Problem With Perfect

Perfect is a nice dream but an unwittingly deceptive goal. Dreaming of how things could be created or adjusted helps to inspire improvements and move society forward.

However, pressing for 100% perfection can be a fools errand and create more harm than good.

Trying to reduce the number of criminals in prison down to zero is a nice idea, but not very realistic. Solving the root cause of criminal behaviour will be better than trying to rehabilitate offenders. But even if that were successful, you’ll still likely have a few people that end up on the wrong side of societal norms and laws.

Trying to get to zero criminals ever again, Zero racists, zero traffic accidents, zero exam failures, zero bullying, etc is a wonderful idea. Perfection!

But let’s be pragmatic. We can do a lot of great things with 97% good. And we should celebrate this incredible percentage and learn to deal with the 1%-3% in other ways, as positively as possible.


Review Your Work

When completing a task, review your work. You are taught this early in school. They say to write your answers in a test and then go back over it and make sure you’re happy with your answers.

Double check calculations and wording. This goes for presentations and all sorts of things.

It’s also very aligned with Step 6 in my book, Achieve Anything. For more details, and some great tips, check it out here

CategoriesObserveThink About It

Minuscule Is Massive

Very small matters, matter quite a lot. A simple word can create a massive difference in understating.

Secondary schools have sex education not sex training. Yet both are concerned with the pupil learning about the topic.

Four millimetres doesn’t seem like that much space in this vast universe of ours, yet it is noticeable if someone’s eyeglasses are four millimetres higher on the left side than the right. It is also quite a significant distance when dealing with brain surgery, heart surgery or failed assassination attempts (thankfully).

CategoriesObserveThink About It

What If?

What if you had made a written plan? What if you had sought out great specific advice? What if your plan was for the next 5 years and you started today?

What would you achieve? Imagine the results you could have if you committed fully and did not get distracted?

What if you looked back in 5 years and wished you’d given it a try? Take all that you feel and learned and make a new 5 year plan. Then start that very same day!

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

Find The Positive

It’s easy to find the negative in pretty much anything. Now make your brain work a little harder. Find the positive in everything.


First, while you’re busy looking for positive things to say, your brain will be too busy to notice the negative things. Secondly, by looking for the positive, you’ll create a habit for yourself and looking for the positive will get easier and become default normal.

Thirdly, you’ll soon be a happier person overall and everyone you know will notice the wonderful difference.