CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingReframe your thoughts


Hope is a powerful mindset. To be hopeful and optimistic can carry you a long way in life, sometimes much further than possible without it. Remember this well. Your optimism is your superpower. Guard it with your life.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughts

Push Yourself Harder

You know when you’re coasting, drifting, or giving it your all. And unless you’re very disciplined, you probably only give 40% each day. It might be more if you have a coach and are serious about success. That might get you to 80%-90%.

You have to want that last 10%. You have to push yourself beyond your own limiting beliefs. You can do it. But will you?

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingProgressReframe your thoughts

The Fans In The Stands

They don’t determine the outcomes. They might influence it though, if you let them. But they can’t physically change the outcome of your actions.

Just like friends and family, and even your harshest critics, they can say what they want but don’t let them get in your head.

Now if they have positive or sensible points to bring to your attention, you may want to consider them and even adopt them. And sensible does not mean that you like the points made either. They may be painfully accurate and annoyingly prescient and so possibly more valuable than a high five. So reflect on those and use them when possible.

Just don’t let the fans, or critics, in the stands affect your game plan. You have to live a long time with the results, not them.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingProgressReframe your thoughts

Must, Should, Want

Life’s to do list tends to have these three categories, whether you bunch them that way or not.

Things you must do would be things like eating, drinking water and sleeping. Arguably going to work, organising your day and paying bills are must do items too. However, they really are should do items. If you don’t do them, you won’t die from them.

Other less controversial should do’s would be calling a family member, especially a parent, maintaining great health and fitness and also keeping your house looking and working well.

But regardless of all of those items above, you may want to book a holiday, buy some clothes or eat pizza and chips while watching the latest movie in your pjs.

Should’s are often a bit troubling. You may feel guilty if you do not do them. Or the direct, or even indirect, consequences could be quite severe.

All the wants may seem unavailable but super desirable. However, these need to be tempered and prioritised as they are unlikely to all be done.

So make sure you get the big ones in your life.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Who Decided To Call Green Green?

Who created the word? Does someone get credit for it? Why did they call it ‘green’ and not ‘purple’, ‘cinade’ or ‘basketball?’

Why did someone choose these 26 letters? Or earlier letters than these? The creation and selection of these letters, words, sounds and phrases seems so strange.

They seem rather random. But also completely normal now that I am so used to them. They are the code and key to everything.

Pay attention to the words you use. They mean far more than you think.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New Thinking

The End Game

You really should have an end game in mind, and written down, when you take aim at a new goal, challenge or desired achievement. I don’t say this lightly. These elements build on key themes that run through three of the seven steps in my new book Achieve Anything.

Step 1 is Think, which includes beginning with the end in your mind. It also includes the rhetorical question, ’Why?’ Why are you putting energy and time into this process to reach the outcome?

Step 3 is Write. You need to take the thoughts and turn them into written words that you, or anyone, can refer back to.

Step 4 is Plan. You really should collect those written thoughts and turn them into a structured plan with dates, times, desired outcomes and the finish line.

Notice we skipped Step 2? Lots of people do. That is a big reason why many people do not achieve their goal. More on that in the book.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingGratitudeObserveProgress

Review Your Progress

‘Are we there yet?’ Clearly wanting to know how far from the finish we are is a natural desire. ?

If you’ve ever had a long journey with kids in the car, you’ll know the phrase I am referring to. But adults want to know to. They check maps, or their satnav, to see if they are ‘making good time’ and where the next rest station is.

Employers want to see ‘progress reports.’ Athletes need to track their gains and PBs. We all want to be a little better or further along with something at sometime in our lives.

It’s easier to review your progress if you have a plan to track against. Then you can course-correct if need be because you’ll know when you are a little off course. Tracking your progress allows you to see your plan unfold. And, spoiler alert, you’ll also know when to celebrate as you reach milestones.

This may be the most skipped step in the 7 step process. People are averse to tracking and reviewing. There are a variety of reasons for this. But the impact is that they usually make less progress. Often this occurs because they don’t know the progress exists so they give up too early and throw out the plan. If only they doubled down their discipline and tracked their progress and reviewed their plan daily. There would be a lot more achievements in this world!!

Review is step six in my forthcoming book – Achieve Anything – The 7 Simple Steps to Shift from Uncomfortable to Unstoppable. Be sure you include a daily review element to your plan to greatly increase your chance of success. Review your progress!

PS. On Tuesday, I received the Advance Copy of the paperback!!! Looking great! Amazing to have it in my hands. A couple of tiny tweaks is all it needs. Hopefully the hardback will look equally fantastic when I receive it later this week!

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingTime

Pick One Thing

What is it that you really want before you go? What would you like to be, do or have to celebrate and enjoy? Pick one thing and decide right now that it is your goal.

Get specific around this goal. Be so clear in what you see that you can describe it in detail. Write down the date you would like the success to come. Write down the time and the place. Note who you are with as well as the temperature and weather.

Ideally it will be something in the next 5 years. However, you can make it 10 years at the maximum. Almost anything can be achieved in that time with focus, discipline and persistence. This is especially true if you work out a plan and work on it daily. You need some key milestones to ensure you are getting the compound effect.

Try making those milestones monthly. Pick a day and a time in the month that it will be done by. Be sure to write out the specifics, even if it makes you a little nervous to do so. You will gain confidence in your ability to achieve the goal as you move closer to it on a daily basis.

Pick one thing today and work toward it daily.