It’s ok to have a complete nothing day. You don’t have to plan for it. You can simply have one. Maybe even two.
I wouldn’t go for three in a row though.
It’s ok to have a complete nothing day. You don’t have to plan for it. You can simply have one. Maybe even two.
I wouldn’t go for three in a row though.
Keep focused on your short and long term plans. Have a positive picture of your life and of you celebrating your great achievements so you can keep a good mindset, especially when you are going through the mud.
Write out what your life will look like in 12 months and also 5 years. Note down what age you’ll be and what your health and fitness will be, your weight and / or trouser size, your finances (including debt levels and savings and investments), your relationships (partner, kids, parents, friends), where you live and how (lifestyle, spending budget) and finally how you’ll spend your waking hours.
Write it down on paper so you get a great picture of what life will be like so you can work towards living that great life!
Think forward and not backward. Accept what has happened in the past and think about how you would like to steer your life going forward.
Focus on what could be in the future and move toward that. Take one step at a time and press on.
A future vision of your life and the world should be almost entirely positive. As a vision, it doesn’t require any negative aspects. If you’re holding negative thoughts then you have the opportunity to change those in your mind.
Use forward thinking to take you forward, toward the life you want to be living.
Find what makes you tick and go all in. Get up early, wake in the night, stay up 3 days in a row and think about it relentlessly.
Build something exciting. Enjoy the ride.
When the sh*t is about to hit the fan, and preferably well before, get some help. Help will come in a myriad of ways, when you start seeking it. Seek and you shall find.
Even if you’re uncomfortable, go find it. You will then shift from Uncomfortable to Unstoppable.
Whether you’re just uncomfortable or there is real pain, push through. It can be physical or mental pain or anguish but you have to simply push through.
If you want to achieve more, have a written plan. A plan of activities for each day at set times and a plan for each day of the week.
Review this plan every hour and every day to make sure you are sticking to it. Get a few things off your list every day. Build momentum.
“A sky scraper went into space, returned to earth, and parallel parked” – Sylvia Smith
A seven story tall, 10 meter wide, 250 ton object was guided safely onto landing arms after rapidly returning from space. Incredible!
If this doesn’t inspire you to achieve anything you can dream of, I don’t know what will.
SpaceX, Elon Musk.
Surgery. Not something you want to have to go through. Ever.
Yet, how brilliant is it that somebody figured out how to fix internal organs and other bits. So now rather than live with a life altering condition, you can be all sorted in a few hours as a day case.
We live incredible times.
What are you willing to forgo, or sacrifice, to reach your desired goal?
There is no free lunch.