CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Leave The Room

Sometimes it’s better to just leave the room. If someone is doing or saying something that deprives you of joy, creates unnecessary stress or bothers you in some way, there are times it is better to keep quiet and head for the exit.

Ideally people would learn from the mistakes and experience of others. However, there are times when people think they know better and can’t be told otherwise.

And sometimes the conversation just isn’t your cup of tea. They don’t all have to be pleasing to you. Not all teas appeal in the same way. Some people don’t even enjoy tea.

So next time you feel the emotion rising up, and the discomfort becoming too much, just exit stage left. That’s all folks.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Keep People Updated

It takes a little more time but pays dividends. If you’re running behind schedule, let them know. If new relevant news is found, update the other parties.

Knowledge is power. Keeping it makes you more powerful. Sharing it makes everyone more powerful and effective.

More solutions are considered when more people have the information. A greater solution can appear from more minds working on the problem or with updated information.

Seek a better world for all, not just you or your desired few.

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Don’t Give Up

Use all of your resources. Call a friend. Use an app. Open your mind to the impossible and the things you may not have considered. How else could you attack the situation? What would a super spy do? What would a super hero do in this situation?

Keep pressing forward quickly and you will find a very good, or much better, solution.

Just don’t give up. A good solution is out there. Find it.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

You Won’t Get Out Alive!

We have a strange fascination / avoidance thing going on with The End. Many people find it hard to accept that they, or others, will reach The End.

Once you accept that it is a natural, and inevitable, part of life, you can be more free.

This is also a reminder to treat people like it’s their last day on Earth. Because it could be.

Same for you. It could be your last day. Make sure you have tied up those loose ends, made the calls, given the hugs and had some fun. At some point it will no longer be possible. 

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingProgressReframe your thoughts

The Fans In The Stands

They don’t determine the outcomes. They might influence it though, if you let them. But they can’t physically change the outcome of your actions.

Just like friends and family, and even your harshest critics, they can say what they want but don’t let them get in your head.

Now if they have positive or sensible points to bring to your attention, you may want to consider them and even adopt them. And sensible does not mean that you like the points made either. They may be painfully accurate and annoyingly prescient and so possibly more valuable than a high five. So reflect on those and use them when possible.

Just don’t let the fans, or critics, in the stands affect your game plan. You have to live a long time with the results, not them.

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Build vs Destroy

Building something takes time. Whether it is a house, a reputation or brand, garden or a relationship, the act of building takes much more time and energy than the destruction of the same things.

Building a house might take a year from initial idea and vision, to architect drawings, budgeting, building, fitting out and decorating. Yet, a simple match can destroy it in a few hours.

A bad tenant can wreck a house in a few days, weeks or months. And neglect can also be very detrimental over a year or several years.

Destruction can be intentional but does not need to be. Neglect can be corrosive enough.

Building requires intent and a positive desire.

Be mindful and intentional and continue to build areas of your life in a positive way. Otherwise, the weeds will grow, the dust will pile up and the rest of your life will take cues from your environment.

Continue to move with the times and build and grow each day. Use it or lose it as the saying goes.