CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Accept People’s Help

Often we say, ”No, thank you”, when offered help. For many this has simply become the habitual response. I’m suggesting we pause and consider that helping hand.

Perhaps it will lighten the load, reduce the cost, save time or simply make the task more enjoyable.

For the helper, this might help them feel useful in a world where they no longer feel they are. Perhaps they aren’t working, kids are grown up or they are no longer with their partner. Offering to help might be there best option to maintain their social circle.

Next time someone offers to help, accept it graciously. It might feel very good for both of you.

PS Great news!!! My book is at #6 on the Bestseller list on Amazon UK under Self-help. Make use of these last 24 hours and get your FREE ebook on Amazon, Barnes&Noble and !ndigo. Offer ends midnight Monday (UK time). For those of you who would like to help it get to #1 on Monday, please do tell your friends and family and colleagues. To make it easy you can share this link to the ebook on Amazon

CategoriesHealth & FitnessObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Feeling A Little Behind

It’s ok to be behind schedule sometimes. There are many different reasons why that can happen. Occasionally we take on too much. Other times events conspire against us. Still other situations involve more learning than expected, which takes time.

I’m feeling about a month behind on my book launch and a few other things. Despite many very long days, I’m still adding more to the list each day than I remove. But at least I’m moving forward in many fronts.

I know it’s a blip. Sometimes unique events warrant exceptional effort. This is one of those times for me. We all have these at some point. The week before going on holiday is a great example.

So, if I’ve not replied or I’ve gone quiet, it’s just a matter of a crazy number of things to get done and not enough me’s or hours in a day to address all of them satisfactorily.

I’ll keep aiming to get on top of things into February. When you’re feeling a little behind, keep pressing forward but give yourself some slack. Rest. Just don’t stop.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

You’re Having A Great Day When….

I’ll say mine down below. What about you? Do you distinguish between a regular day, good day and great day? What would make your day great? What warrants noting, appreciating and celebrating in your life?

Are you targeting these things, attracting them or completely oblivious and hopeful? A surprise here and there is always great.

But you can also attract great things into your life by thinking and doing great and appreciated things. For example, you help an older woman up some stairs in a building, and later find out she told her daughter about you. The daughter happens to be the Board Director you are interviewing with for your next job. Be kind. Do good.

You can also target things to happen. For example, I could apply for a book award competition and see how that goes.

Why am I having a great day? Friends started receiving their book orders yesterday and today and sent pictures and videos to me. Very cool. More of that please ?.

I also had Rory Sutherland of Ogilvy Group follow me on Twitter today. He’s brilliant and I’m delighted.

Also, more people keep contacting me about my new book from around the world. That’s pretty cool.

Finally, Roxane finished updating the new website for the book (Achieve Anything) and it looks great. Find out more about this life-changing book so you can achieve amazing results in your life in 2022 and beyond. Get your unique signed copy or find links to major booksellers at

So I’ve been having a great day. Fantastic really.

If you want a great day too, reflect on why yours is great in the comments below.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsThink About It

As Good As It Gets

Maybe it is. Perhaps this is it.

Not in the general but maybe in the specifics.

If a fabulous moment or memory is the top echelon, what else are we looking for? Perhaps we need to be more appreciative and grateful for these minutes and moments we get. Hold on to them fiercely and replay them often in your mind.

Savour every moment of joy. Each one is delicious.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughts

You’ve Been Labelled

Yup! Some crazy person has labelled you. And that person is you!

You have labelled yourself as a lawyer, sharp dresser, gym goer, triathlete, student debt payer, bad with money, good on dates, wine drinker and card shark.

What other people say will influence these labels but the real arbiter is you. If you see yourself as one type of person, it can be hard to shift to being another. This is something you need to overcome early in the shifting process or you will self-sabotage and never reach your goal.

Your values need to align and you need to eventually feel comfortable in this new label. But making the shift across can be a harrowing experience. You will be uncomfortable at first as you consider yourself in this new label. But as you get exposed to the idea and shift your mindset on it, it will start to feel right.

Check out the labels you have given yourself, those you would rather have and the anxious feeling you get as you explore those thoughts. Understand this anxiousness and you’ll get there!

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Why Do We Need To Know?

Why do you need to read the news? What is it that is so important about some tragedy 3,700 miles away that you must know? Isn’t there enough struggle, challenge or tragedy on our own doorstep?

There’s about 7.9 billion people on this planet. Assume just 1% of all these people had a tragic moment at sometime during your 80 year life. That’s 79 million people. Let’s say it took you just 5 minutes to read, listen to or watch something about the person and their event.

Then it would take you 751 years on a 24/7 schedule to learn about each one. Who has 10 lifetimes to give to simply learn about the challenges of people around the world.

Be clear why you are doing it. Perhaps your time would be better spent improving the lives of a few people near to you, rather than imagining the pain of people in a distant land.

CategoriesGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime


IF is in the heart of life.

If I had finished school or gone to college. If I’d got that job I wanted. If I’d been born in a different house to a different family. If my parents had been wealthier. If I’d said no. Or yes. At that perfect moment.

Well stuff the IF! We are where we are. The choices we made have, in part, led us here. Partly our own decisions and partly cosmic fate. Those two combined create our destiny.

We’ve yet to learn how to go back and undo, or redo, time, moments, choices and circumstance. So let’s get more comfortable with where we are.

So take a few moments, right now, and list 10 of your favourite memories. These don’t have to be your top 10 ever. Just the first 10 great memories that pop in your head now. You can keep writing 15 or 23 if the thoughts start to flow and even better, or just more, memories bubble up.

Great! Keep this list by your bed and read each one just before going to sleep and upon waking, every day. Smile. Be grateful. Cherish those babies. Cause that’s our life.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Seek Out Magic

In your relationships, in your work and in play. Seek out magic. Look for those little sparks of joy and excitement. Find them for the first time or rekindle them. Magic is such a wonderful thing. Don’t let it disappear.