CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

Undoing History

The desire to undo things done must be as old as civilisation itself. People say and do things they wish they could take back. Undoing history would be lovely in some respects. However, there is no giant red rewind button to facilitate this.

Wouldn’t it be nice if such and such had happened or hadn’t happened. The musings of those not wanting to accept the brutal facts of reality. Things are as they are today. They are like this precisely because billions of people did trillions of things and they can’t all be undone.

By constantly living in the hope of the past being different, we can drive ourself to madness.

It may give us some comfort to hope that we will be young again. Or even that wars will not have been fought and past transgressions never occurred. Spending time on trying to right the past uses up energy we could use to improve the present and the future.

Sure it would be better if certain things were a certain way today. Anyone whose family has had a difficult past would probably agree. However, it has happened a certain way and we must make the best of it now.

Rewriting history might make you feel better about the story but the results are in.

Undoing history is still not possible. Best to focus on what is.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughts

Who Is Famous To You?

This test will help you to understand what is important in your life. You can more easily see where you are headed. Who is famous to you? Why do you know them? Why do they matter to you?

If you can name most of the players in English rugby, then you have a rugby focus. Some people will know all the names of the Prime Minister’s cabinet. That will tell you something about them.

If you know all the names of the journalists at a certain newspaper, it may indicate where you get your news from.

Now, just because these people are famous in your eyes, does not mean that other people will know them or even should know them. Other people will follow a different group and not know a thing about those that you follow.

What is important here is that where you spend time and energy, is the direction you are moving. So if the people you follow are in country music, you will move toward that culture. If it is mafia bosses that you follow, you might find your life being absorbed by organised crime.

Be aware of all the influences on your life. Then assess whether that is truly an important direction to be moving in. And also why it is so important in the context of your 90 year life.

Who is famous to you?

CategoriesGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

The Work Of Others

Look around you. Everything in your home, office or neighbourhood was the thought or effort of someone else. The work of others surrounds us.

Look around your living room. Perhaps you have a sofa, rug, fireplace, TV, chair, ceiling, light fixture and many other things. You may see several books, pictures in frames, tissue boxes or potted plants. All of these things were thought up by one person or a group of people. Then some people did the manufacturing of it.

It is amazing. All of those people you never met, but whose creative handiwork surrounds you. Then there are the things you can’t really see like electrical wires, plumbing and WiFi.

Out in the streets you have roads, sidewalks, pavement, cars, trucks, sewers, bridges, trains, traffic lights, buildings and buses. People imagined life with these things and there they are! Isn’t it a wonder? It is amazing beyond belief.

Someone conceived the idea. Another person organised it into existence. And you get the benefit of it. Things were dug out of the ground for you. Or they were chopped down. Either way, they are in your world and you get the benefit of their beauty or utility.

Be grateful and appreciate the miracle and wonder that is our modern world.

The work of others is mostly a blessing. Treat it that way.

CategoriesGoals, Results & New ThinkingReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Expect To Win!

You need to begin with the end in mind. And the end result you should be aiming for is a winning one. Expect to win! You’ll feel better for it.

Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you expect something to happen, it is more likely to. If you don’t expect it, it’s quite possible it won’t.

Part of the expectation is to see yourself in that final moment. If you can visualise yourself as successful or victorious, you will have won half the battle. You will feel more capable and confident. The sense of achievement will run through you. You may even straighten up a little and walk taller. Perhaps you will speak with more authority and determination.

Certainly the taste of the win will help to motivate you. In addition, you can run the plan backwards to see what you need to do to reach that moment. Then you can work harder, train harder, prepare better and feel like it is going toward something useful.

Seeing the result can be quite motivating. Think about it often and play with the finer details of the moment in your mind. The more real you can make it, the more real it should become.

The opposite is also true though, so guard those thoughts closely.

Expect to win!

CategoriesGratitudeReframe your thoughtsThink About It

A Few Minutes With Andy Rooney

Who had an impact on your life? What do you remember of them? I fondly recall watching, “A few minutes with Andy Rooney” every week on TV.

From the age of eight until probably 14, I looked forward to those three minutes with Andy every Sunday night. My parents would watch 60 minutes and I quite enjoyed it too. But the bit I relished the most was that time with Andy.

He was grandfatherly and spoke his mind. A lot of it made sense to me. He was easy to understand. Occasionally he would come on and correct himself or apologise for something he said the previous week. I liked him more for having considered it and then mentioning the point.

He spoke from his perspective, as all of us do. It’s a little difficult to speak from someone else’s perspective. And as such, you can only say it one way. Odds are very high though, that other people listening will have a different perspective. That’s ok. If they politely note that difference, it can be mentioned. Although, you don’t have to reference or note all the different perspectives that you didn’t have or became aware of after.

Andy’s whimsical commentary of everyday life, amongst other things, intrigued me. I liked his delivery. He made people reflect and think a little. I enjoyed that.

A few minutes with Andy Rooney will always have a home in my heart and my mind.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Look Where You Are

Hey! Look at you! I am sure that you have had to do quite a bit to get yourself here. Look where you are! If you really look carefully, you may find plenty of opportunities just waiting on your doorstep.

They may not look like opportunities but they could be. Sometimes we see work or struggle or challenge rather than opportunity. However, they can often be the same thing if you are willing to look at it slightly differently.

Going to university may seem like work to some but if you put in the work, great opportunities may arise. Getting an apprentice job may seem less exciting if you see it as taking your time for a wage. However, if you see it as learning a skill that could later be traded for a higher income, you might be more enthusiastic about it.

Your big opportunity may be right where you are now.

Napoleon Hill

You must be curious and observant as opportunities abound if you are open to different types. If you are good at sports, you may be paid to play. But you also may get a sponsorship, branding deal, or licensing agreement. Although if you are not looking for these alternative ideas, you may only have one stream of income from playing.

Look where you are! There’s gold on the floor.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Progress Involves Risk

Trying something new, even if incremental, requires some courage. Adjusting the norms in your group is rarely easy. Progress involves risk, though it doesn’t need to be risky.

Not all progress is good progress. And progress for one person or group may feel regressive to another person or group. For example, my Secondary School Geography Project was about the Aswan High Dam in Egypt. Although the dam was hailed as wonderful progress for the nation, it was not necessarily great for those people displaced by the new Lake Nassar.

Getting a new haircut, wearing different clothes or starting a new career may all feel like progress. It may even feel like a natural evolution to you. However, there is some risk that you may feel uncomfortable with your new direction. In addition, others may feel like you are moving away from them. This can cause additional challenges.

And this happens all the time with perceived progress. If you stop smoking, you risk losing friends you once had. The same thing happens with drinking, moving to a new company, switching from being single to being in a relationship and just about any change in your life you can imagine.

Too many times we don’t allow progress in our future life because of the risk to our current life.

Progress involves risk. So just go for it.

Progress always involves risk; you can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first.

Frederick Wilcox
CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Prime Your Mind

Today will be amazing! So many things are going right already. I am certain more great opportunities will arise. Prime your mind for success and you may just find yourself having more.

Life can be a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you live with hope, keep a positive attitude, follow proven processes and take immediate action, you are likely to succeed.

Oh yes, there will be speed bumps-a-plenty on your trip to the ideal life. However, if you focus on the big dreams and the excitement of it all, you are more likely to make it happen.

You see, your mind is a solution-seeking, target-tracking machine. Once it understands something, it sets about trying to confirm it or find it. If you say, “Oh no, not Monday!”, you may find your brain working overtime to supply you with photos of drudgery, pain and distress.

But, if you wake up and say, “I am going to have a wonderful and productive today.”, then you are more likely to do so. Most of the time, most of us aren’t paying attention to what we say. This is a real shame, for this is where the magic is.

If you prime your mind, every morning and evening, with good thoughts, positive reinforcements and strong affirmations, you will not only enjoy your life more, but you will probably get a lot more out of it. Try it.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Learn To Hustle

It may not be cool to hustle. And most people do not do it. But those that do often reap the rewards. Learn to hustle and you will win the minds of many.

I am talking about moving quickly. I coach U14s rugby for London Scottish and I am constantly telling the boys the value of hustling. Get to the place you are supposed to be before people expect you to be there. You can rest later. Do not rest on your way.

I grew up being well aware of Pete Rose. He was an American baseball player. His nickname was “Charlie Hustle.” My Dad liked him because he hustled. And I liked him because he seemed to make things happen because he would hustle. I liked his energy. It was inspiring.

You can make a lot of exciting things happen if you hustle. Other teams’ players make more errors when you are pushing the boundaries.

The family watched a great movie earlier and it was called “Rudy”. It was based on a true story. Rudy learned to hustle and it took him a long way. It’s a very good movie. It shows what we can do if we have a dream and hustle to make that dream come true.

It’s unfortunate that the “I am too cool to run or make an effort” traps a lot of talented kids in mediocrity. The number of kids with real talent is amazing. Sure they may not be the number one player of all time. However, if they put the heart and hustle in, they could make the league. And who knows where from there.

Do you really want to succeed? Learn to hustle.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Clear The Debris

Papers pile up. Books and magazines go unread. Meetings become unnecessary. Occasionally we need to clear the debris in our lives.

Many things are started which never get finished. It’s good to remove it or get someone in to resolve it. If a cupboard door needs fixing, then fix it. Otherwise, get a friend, or a professional handy person, to come in and resolve it.

If dishes have piled up, get them sorted out. Newspapers and magazines used to find their way into piles in our house. Not anymore though.

I was the main debris-maker. I liked to sift through the readables and keep them around if I didn’t make it all the way through. In addition, I would keep some with dog eared corners to read later. Later rarely came so the piles got bigger.

I had to stop bringing things in the house. So I reduced the amount of ‘interesting articles’ I would read. I also began throwing out the paper in the recycling as I walked in the house. It couldn’t add to the piles if I didn’t bring it in the house.

Then I reduced the piles by reading or simply tossing the items into the recycling. It was therapeutic. Get rid of old clothes, half done projects, papers and piles and those ‘someday’ items. Focus down on just a few key things.

Clear the debris.