Be grateful for a good life. Many are not so fortunate.
And if you feel you’ve had a great life, even more reason to be grateful.
Be grateful for a good life. Many are not so fortunate.
And if you feel you’ve had a great life, even more reason to be grateful.
How you interpret things is how you see them. It is how you experience them. You react based on your learning and life experience. If you consider other options, it will help you respond.
The thing may not be what you interpret. It will be what it is, without your interpretation. Be mindful of this difference.
How to know and what to do? Pause. Consider how other people that are different to you might experience the same thing. Their way may not be better than your way, but it’s good to consider what they got from it.
Begin with the end in mind. Dream about the ideal life you’d like to live and when you’d like to start living it. Then start to research how you could make it a reality.
Get information. Book meetings, hotels and cabs. Write out the micro steps you’ll need to get you there.
It’s very fun and exciting to think that, if you keep it front of mind, one day you will get there!
Like in a game of chess, every move gets you closer to an outcome. The better you train, and play, the more favourable the outcome should be for you.
Life is very much the same.
Go test drive a car that is nicer than yours. Have a coffee in an opulent hotel restaurant. Find a great deal on the least expensive night of the year and stay in a nicer hotel than you usually would. Rent a slightly nicer rental car than normal.
Go shopping in more expensive stores during their sales. Pick one item you love, that is at an affordable price for you, and buy it.
As you slowly upgrade your experiences and surroundings, it will change the way you think, feel and experience or see the world.
Even if you don’t choose to upgrade permanently, due to budget or other considerations, treat yourself to it once a month or 4 times a year at least.
You’ll appreciate the differences.
Getting better is tough. Keeping your high standard once you’re there is tough. Wishing you were where you wanted to be is tough.
Which tough are you going to endure?
Put in just a little extra effort each day and you will get to the place you wanted.
On your own, with your spouse, with friends or with kids, get out there and enjoy a night out.
Get into your grove. Flow state. When you hit your stride, so much can happen. Stay focused and you will make huge gains and lots of progress.
Like any skill, you need to develop it through intentional practice and effort. It won’t be easy but it will be worth it in the end.
Pay attention or pay the price. If you’re not tracking the key things in your life, they can easily, and quickly, go off track.
If you’re not paying attention to your fitness, you’ll spend more money on a new wardrobe, PT’s and diet/fitness books than you would have on a gym membership.
Keep your relationship in focus or the cost of divorce will be far more than a few date nights and a weekend escape or two.
Pay attention to your finances too. Make sure your income is correct and your outgoings too. A slip or two in a month could spell disaster in a few years or a fabulous retirement if caught early.
It pays to pay attention.
Time heals wounds but you have to be patient. People need time to process information so you need to have patience.
You can attract things into your life but you need to act now and yet still be patient.
It’s a great skill to master. Practice it every day.