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Want To Be Right Or Progress Forward?

Oftentimes we are so focused on our own view, and holding on to it, and defending it so we can be “right”, that we miss the opportunity to improve the situation.

While we stick to our perspective and search only for data to support our bias, we don’t listen to evidence being presented that may have some merit. Defending our position and being right becomes the overriding objective, not solving the problem.

Imagine the improvement in our world if we focused on really understanding the different perspectives presented, clarifying what the actual issue is and using all the data to find a better way ahead.

Try focusing on a better outcome rather than defending your position. It’ll be a game changer.

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Order From Chaos

Our goal as we grow older is to organise and order things from chaos. And to keep the chaos orderly.

Chaos is natural and easy. Order takes effort and discipline. The more skilled you become at making order from chaos, the more valuable you will become.

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Consider All Options

When you’re looking for answers, consider all options. Don’t only think of your usually answers, find out what others would do, or did, in your situation. Find out by going online using a search engine or ChatGPT, watch a video, read a book or speak to someone new.

Brainstorm ideas to come up with some new answers. You don’t have to use the wacky answers but at least mull them over and give it some time to reflect on them.

Then you need to take all that thinking and make a firm decision and drive forward with that best idea without looking back.

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There are times you need to sprint. Just before holidays, you sprint at work. You try to catch up and delegate and prepare ahead in that last week before you go away. You go unsustainably fast for a short period of time.

There are many times people have to do this in life. You just have to mentally prepare and then go as if every minute is precious and required. Go!

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Take Time Out

We often go very quickly through our days. We will race about at work to get home, hurry to do chores, admin, cook dinner, perhaps put kids to bed and then do more work, watch a show or doom scroll on the phone.

Well tonight, take time out and just go to bed. Read for 20 minutes, if you must, rather than doom scroll. Or just curl up in bed and dream about what you have and where you’re going in life.

If that makes you smile with joy, great! If not, perhaps just think of your happy place and drift off to sleep. The added extra time sleeping will be magical which you’ll notice when you get up refreshed in the morning. Enjoy!

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Ready For The Week Ahead?

Have you blocked out your diary with all the must dos this week? I hope so. Give yourself thought-out structure so that you succeed. Don’t let random, third-tier priorities creep in.

Make sure you’re using your time very efficiently. Every minute counts. Don’t fritter them away on nonsense.

CategoriesHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughts


Being consistent on a daily basis can help or hinder your progress in life. On a daily basis, it helps if you eat well, drink water, sleep 7-8 hours, exercise for 20 minutes and go to the loo (1 & 2).

Missing any of these for a day would have an impact and you’d notice. Missing any of these for a week will start a decline.

Get consistent with the basics. Then you can go next level more sustainably.

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You will not know the answer unless you ask. Ask the questions that come up in your mind. Also ask for what you want. Be clear. Be decisive. Focus on what you really do want and ask people how you could get it. Ask.

Ask and you shall receive. Sometimes it’s that easy.