CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsTimeWeight loss

Allow Time To Heal

Injuries happen. Physical, emotional and even spiritual. Be sure to allow ample time to heal. Life is long enough so don’t short-change yourself on the healing process. Otherwise, you may not heal sufficiently and have to go thorough a very similar thing again.

Learn and apply your knowledge. Get to full strength before setting off again.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingReframe your thoughtsTime

Think Long Term

What would your Blue Plaque say? How would a biographer tell your story? What would you want on your Wikipedia page? Will your grandchildren retell your story?

Stop and think about your life. Where do you definitely want to go and what do you desperately want to do? What do you want to avoid for sure?

Then set your sail and focus on that direction and that destination.

It’s always best to think long term and where you want to end up. You’ll make different and better decisions. And your journey will align to your long term goals, not just the whims of the moment.


Thought Smile

What thought always brings a smile to your face? Is it a future dream, a childhood moment, a time of pride from sports, school or family or simply a fond memory of watching clouds float by?

Whatever it is, be sure to overuse it. Think of it often and enjoy the smile. Like kindling for a fire it can enable a warm and enjoyable environment.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Do Your Best

Actually, your best. Not your pretty good. Don’t give out mediocre. Give us the best you have and don’t leave any on the table. You’ll feel better knowing you did it.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingProgressReframe your thoughts

Sketch Out Your Ideal Life

Grab a pen and some paper. Start jotting down some key elements of your ideal life. What does your ideal house look like? What is your ideal car or cars? Would you be married? Describe the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual attributes of this person.

Where does your income come from? Describe the number and types of holidays you would like to take each year.

Now go get a plan in place to start making all these things happen within three to five years from this moment.

Go on! Dare to live the life of your dreams!

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Find Common Ground

If you have a difference of opinion, try to find some common ground. Do you agree on certain aspects of the topic? Are there periphery ideas that you see similarly?

You may disagree about football being the best sport in the world. However, you could agree sports is important for health reasons, that football is one of the top 10 most watched sports and that it is one of the lowest cost sports in its basic format – you only need a ball.

Walking away with a few agreed points is a real win, even if you still disagree with the original point. It humanises the other person and you will feel less animosity towards the other person. This way you can feel good about the person while disagreeing. This is much better than the name calling, the frustration and being disgruntled.

CategoriesObserveProgressReframe your thoughts

Solution Or Being Right?

Are you actually looking for a solution, or do you just want to be right? Is it a solution to your perception of the problem or are you trying to remain relevant and comfortable within your group?

When you want your view to “win”, you may want to feed your ego and comfort, not actively find the ideal solution.

Shouldn’t we all be trying to solve for the optimal solution?

Remove your bias and stay focused on winning for the optimal good.