CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessObserveThink About ItTime

I Can See The Future

Predicting the future is a funny game. We do think we are pretty good at guessing what will happen next. I can see the future and it looks exciting!

The key to understanding predications is the following. The more control you have over the process, the more likely the outcome. So, for example, the lady running the roulette wheel in a casino has more control over the outcome than you. It depends on how she spins the wheel and throws the ball. You have no control.

You have more control with blackjack, though the deck is stacked against you. However, a diet and exercise regime is heavily in your control or sphere of influence. So you can see the pounds melt away through reduced calories, body toning and strengthening. All in your control.

So now do that with your life. Look deep into the future. Imagine the infinite possibilities. Where would you like to end up? If you could choose anywhere, and you can, where would it be?

So decide what you are looking for and then go after it. Be sensible, make a plan, take provisions and be hopeful. Then start. The road may be a little rocky at first. But stick with it. Slowly but surely you will get there.

I can see the future. And now I am going to make it happen.

CategoriesReframe your thoughtsUncategorized

It’s Easier Than You Think

Everything is. If you do some research, use a model, develop a plan and follow it, you will be fine. It’s easier than you think, so don’t think too much. Just go do it.

However, sometimes things get a little difficult, challenging or hostile. Simply focus through that. Remain resilient. With a longer term vision, you know you’ll get there.

It’s certainly not impossible. Although some things are less likely. But if you are determined, disciplined and dynamic, you will press on and succeed. Few things are rocket science. Even rocket science isn’t what it used to be.

Think about that. 1903 was the first successful flight by the Wright Brothers. In less than 60 years (1961), President Kennedy announced the goal of landing a man on the moon that decade. A further 60 years on and we have several groups targeting a crewed Mars mission by the mid 2020’s.

That’s amazing! In just over 100 years humans have gone from can’t fly, to flying, to potential inter-planetary space travel. People are learning and applying at a phenomenal rate.

If we as a species can do that, imagine what you as an individual can do. Fortunately, there is a process for everything. And, if you follow the learn, plan, do and repeat model, you can, with some patience, achieve anything.

It’s easier than you think!


Do It Right, Now.

Just get on with it. Make a start. It doesn’t need to be perfect. You just need to start. Or re-start. Do it right, now. Not later.

Right at the start, you should just get going. It might be a little messy. That’s ok, as long as you get going. As you progress along though, you should want to up your game and do a reasonable job of it too. You wouldn’t want to continue being a bit messy once you got going or you’ll be adding to your jobs to do later.

For those things you have got moving along, try to do them as best you can. It doesn’t make sense to come back to them later.

If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?

Coach John Wooden

If you have 30 minutes of time you could release from your schedule at the moment, try to get some tasks done you’ve been putting off. Do it right now or do it right, now. Either way, just get on with it and do something.
