CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Find A Reason

There are so many reasons to smile in a day. That you are alive is a great one! Hopefully you have your health too. Perhaps it’s not perfect, but if it’s pretty good, usually, then you’re blessed. Finally, having a few coins in your pocket is also a great reason to smile. Now if you have someone special, or a few people, to share this feeling with, then you have it all!

CategoriesActionObserveThink About ItTime

Find Out Why

You can make assumptions, guess or shrug your shoulders, or you can simply find out why. Ask the questions. Listen to the answers. It sounds so simple. Because it is.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

Find Your Friends

Friends can be like a comfy pair of jeans you never want to throw away, or like socks that get worn out, or even like a fine wine improving with age.

Find your friends and enjoy them in that moment.

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveThink About It

Find The Lesson

Sometimes we have a situation which we wish wasn’t happening. We may focus on how it has affected us negatively. This time, try to see how it’s a blessing in disguise. Because of this challenge, who did you meet? What did you learn? How will you build on this experience to make life even better?

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingObserveThink About ItTime

Find Your Passion

Go after it. Search. Explore. Discover. Spend one week and search online, talk to people, watch clips and try things out. Be proactive. Then shortlist three of your favourite ideas. Explore them for three months. Then go for one all in. You can change later if it is no longer for you.

Don’t wait all your life to find it. Hunt it down.

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Find Your Tribe

Find people who think the way you want to think. Look to join others who know or have what you would like to know or acquire.

It may feel uncomfortable at first. But learn their lingo, culture, norms and preferences. Spend time with them. Get comfortable in their presence. Find your tribe and immerse yourself in it.

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Finding Purpose

You need to search for it within. Do some soul searching. Have some tough conversations with yourself. Then act on it. Slow or fast but get going in that direction. It will become more clear as you bounce along that route.


Find Your Fit

We spend quite a bit of life searching. We are looking for something and we want it to be the best thing available. If you find your fit, you should stick with it.

Think of how much time is spent trying out new restaurants or trying on new clothes. Some people like Steve Jobs had a great idea. Find the clothes you love and buy a dozen of them. Then you can wear the same thing every day.

Some people have restaurants they love so they can eat there every day. They know their preferred meal, drink and dessert or pudding.

There is a fine line between searching for the very best for you and settling with good enough. The idea of good enough might mean for now or forever. But sometimes the time, energy and decision making going into something can be too much. You can go overboard with research and expectations.

There are lots of key elements of life in this idea. Aim for the best. Simplify. Find joy. It’s a heck yes or no. Do your research. The 80/20 rule. Reduce decision making. Consistency and discipline are key.

It is a good idea to explore every once in a while. However, for the most part, once you find your fit, stick with it.


Find Your Passion

Some people just know. Others take years to find their thing. The challenge is that it can change. But if you find your passion it will make your life more fulfilling.

If you are young and looking for it, be curious and try many things. See if you prefer being active, artistic or cerebral. Find things that spark joy in your life. If it lifts your spirits, then try to understand why.

It might be a skill you enjoy improving on. Alternatively, it could be serving others. You might like to create, direct or consume. Regardless, there is a place for you in this world.

Someone has to play chess for fun and others as professionals. People have to design and manufacture the boards. Some will be cheap and simple. Others will be elaborate and expensive. You will need coaches and people to write the books about the great players and the tactics of the game itself. Others will create ‘how to’ videos and ‘best of’ complications. And that is just for chess.

Look for those things that bring you the greatest fulfilment. But also know that there will be other things to do that won’t be as exciting but still need to be done. There will be admin, marketing, sales, organisation of events, course creation and making an income.

Some of these things can be done by others who enjoy those aspects.

So most importantly, find YOUR passion.
