CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

What Little We Know

There are millions of books yet how many have we read? Over 8 billion people live on Earth today yet how many have you met or heard of even? Every event can be viewed in a myriad of ways and yet you will only ever know one way (yours) for most of them.

Yet we give our opinions like we are an all-knowing super-computer crunching trillions of terabytes of data per millisecond and can confidently give an excellent response to anything.

Though in reality, we barely read half an article written by a biased journalist and believe we are sufficiently well-informed to let loose over a glass of white wine at lunch.

Perhaps get some alternative viewpoints, consider they may also be valid and try to uncover the reality, even if you don’t like that answer. You owe it to yourself to be better informed, less ignorant of real options and to develop objective thinking beyond the tiny bubble you exist in.

Think things through with a little more curiosity, skepticism and thirst for real information in place of the spoon-fed biased reportage you binge on currently.

CategoriesObserveProgressReframe your thoughts

Know When To Stop

Often times things start out well. Maybe it’s a gentle joke, a little teasing, spending on a few little things or picking at a dish of food. However, these things can go too far.

You know what you’re doing too much of, whether it’s binge watching tv, spending, eating, drinking, teasing, complaining, harassing or staying up too late.

A little bit and occasionally is fine. Moderation in everything as they say. But with that, you need to learn when to stop. And then stop.

CategoriesActionFinancialObserveReframe your thoughts

Know Where Your Money Flows

You should have a plan for every penny. That would be ideal. Get as close as you can to this idea. Direct 10% to your savings and investments pot. Get it out of your account with an automatic payment, as soon as your income goes in.

If you have any money left over at the end of the month, pay down your personal debt more aggressively.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveThink About It

Know Your Issues

We all have issues. Get to know yours. Take the time and be patient. Learn about yourself. It might be quite uncomfortable and you may not like what you learn. But you will be a better person for it.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

You Never Know

Never? Really? You probably know. You might not want to admit it though.

Face the brutal facts of reality. Assess them. Make a plan. Execute. (The plan…)

CategoriesObserveThink About It

So You Think You Know It All

And then you learn something new. Maybe you stumble upon a new idea or you hear something differently then ever before.

The quote attributed to Albert Einstein springs to mind, “The more I learn, the more I realise I don’t know”. Something similar is also attributed to Socrates. Mark Twain and most parents have also said something along those lines, especially in the direction of their children.

To learn more, pause. You should pause more and consider what is being discussed. Does it make sense to you? What about to people who think differently to you? How could you see this differently if you wanted to learn something rather than celebrate being right?

10 billion people have walked this Earth. Every single one of them have had different experiences and interactions. Until we’ve seen everything through 10 billion lenses, we still have an opportunity to learn new things.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

Let People Know What You Are Looking For

Be open and honest and let people know what you would like. That saves them from trying to guess. The more specific you can be, the more likely someone will know whether they can help or not. And even if they say they can’t help you, that is still a win. At least you know they are off your list for this. That way you can focus on the other people who may be able to help you.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

I Want To Know

Why do we get curious? Curiosity can be a great thing. It’s instrumental in how we become aware. Curiosity also killed the cat. I want to know so many things. There isn’t enough time to learn all that there is to know about everything.

What is it that drives us to pick up a newspaper or turn the news on the radio or TV? Is it curiosity? Could it be a simple habit we’ve developed?

Perhaps it is our desire to fix things that seem to have gone wrong. Although, it could also be the desire to be a part of social events. It can be a way of connecting with others through a shared topic. Additionally, we can all have an opinion on the event and therefore feel able to comment on it.

It seems odd that we want to know so much about people and places we are unrelated to. In addition, it is rare we can do anything constructive to help the situation either.

So maybe next time you reach for the remote, paper, or a device to search up the news, just stop. You are trading away your life minutes to find out about other people. And you are unlikely to ever encounter those people.

It feels like a funny trade of time. Any thoughts why? I want to know.