CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Think Like The Other Person

Perhaps it’s the hiring manager, the customer, an army general or the police that you are dealing with and you want to win over, understand or defeat. Try to stop thinking like you and what you want and try thinking like them and what they want.

This is an excellent exercise and helps broaden your mind and develop some insight, and maybe empathy, for other people and what they are trying to achieve.

These insights will help you achieve more.

CategoriesProgressThink About It

All The Smart People

Smart people tend to create things. Scientists, engineers, and dreamers. They also are instrumental in bringing creations to life. These can be the financiers, marketers, lawyers and technology folks.

However, after two centuries of progress and improved living standards around the world, some, if not many, of these same types of educated people are saying it is all too much. It’s going to destroy the planet.

How will we keep the advancements but not the downsides. Will all the smart people come up with a decent solution for all?

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

People Overcompensate

If you’re driving, and you veer to the left, you may overcompensate and put yourself off the road, but on the right side.

When someone does something you think is wrong, you may go even further in trying to correct it.

Be mindful of this correction bias.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

Meet People

Get out there and meet people: Old friends, new connections, acquaintances, contacts, and friends you made a week ago. You never know what may come of it.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

The Stories People Create

“Obviously, she was thinking that….” How is it that we think we are so good at mind reading other people? Oftentimes people express what is on their mind and project it onto others.

Many people make a snap decision and then build a case around their view of the story. “He’s innocent!” And if he really is, then the police, prosecutor, witnesses etc are the real bad people.

They are often afraid to see what the reality could be, especially if they would be seen as taking the view of the other side compared to their usual orientation.

Think about this next time you create a story around something, or hear someone else do it. Where are the facts? Where did the story comes from? Are there elements that have probably been made up to fill in some space and make it more exciting or believable?

Stop yourself next time, especially if you’re making up negative points. Create lovely stories if you’re going to make stuff up.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Keep People Updated

It takes a little more time but pays dividends. If you’re running behind schedule, let them know. If new relevant news is found, update the other parties.

Knowledge is power. Keeping it makes you more powerful. Sharing it makes everyone more powerful and effective.

More solutions are considered when more people have the information. A greater solution can appear from more minds working on the problem or with updated information.

Seek a better world for all, not just you or your desired few.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

Let People Know What You Are Looking For

Be open and honest and let people know what you would like. That saves them from trying to guess. The more specific you can be, the more likely someone will know whether they can help or not. And even if they say they can’t help you, that is still a win. At least you know they are off your list for this. That way you can focus on the other people who may be able to help you.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

Meet New People

If you have the chance, meet new people. Create scenarios where you meet new people now and then. New people can be the key to doors unknown.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

You Can’t Force People

Well, it is very hard to force people to do something against their will. At least, not without significant threat that is meaningful to them (not just a threat that you would respond to).

Ever try to get your children to do their homework against their will? How far do you have to take it? Do they do it on their own? Or with threat of detention at school? Perhaps you take away their phone for awhile or threaten to cancel desired play dates with friends.

What if they still won’t do it? Do you need to beg, plead and appeal to their sympathetic nature? Will bribes of candy, money, activities or other future benefits come into the frame?

This is the same for adults. If people don’t want to do something on their own, they will resist it in countless ways. Then, if you go the route of force, not friendliness, you may resort to imposing actions which could result in financial ruin, jail time, family distress, mental terror or even death.

You attract more flies with honey than vinegar. It’s an odd phrase but there seems to be sense behind it. #bekind