CategoriesActionFinancialReframe your thoughts

Spending To Help Can Go Too Far

The US government is borrowing on an unsustainable course, says a headline I glimpsed earlier. They noted that 88% of millions of simulations have shown this. So only 12% of simulations have shown it is sustainable to some degree.

I guess you only need one to work. Cross your fingers and hope is not the best strategy though.

If it goes wrong, the current government will have the dubious distinction of having overspent and destroyed the economic goose that was the US economy.

I am sure they mean well. They want to spend a little to help the very impoverished to get the real necessities. But soon enough, like many good intentions, they pave the road to hell.

You see, it doesn’t stop with the basics. Then they want to help lower income people have things of cultural importance like a tv, car or a drinks fridge. These are not necessary to live for most people. Yet the government convinces itself that they are doing good deeds.

They don’t notice they are using other people’s money to pay for unnecessary items. If the person really wanted it they could get more income or spend less elsewhere or even save first and spend once they have the required funds.

Remember, a good start to a program must be continually revisited or it could go too far and bring about disastrous pain in the future when the house of cards collapses in a light breeze.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Spending Time

Do you truly spend your time how you would want to? Not just your work time, which some of you may not be crazy about, but free time too.

Are you with the people you would most like to be with? Are you doing things that improve your life? Do you spend 20% of your time on fun, rejuvenation and enjoyment? Or are you more of an 80% enjoy and try not to really improve anything?

Spending time is something you should plan. If you just go by feelings, you may find yourself in an awful spot three years from now.


Spending Time Wisely

It’s fascinating to watch ourselves try to save money but spend precious moments doing it. Spending time wisely is almost an art form and partly a science. Using our time on positive and useful things is much more beneficial to us than squandering it.

It is an interesting balance with time. As we do not know how much of it we will have, we want to make good and efficient use of it. In addition, we do not know how well we will be physically and/or mentally through our lifetime, even if it is a long one.

So there are trade offs. You have choices and decisions to make. And these choices are frequently adjusting to new realities. Therefore your decisions may change.

When you are young, or much older, most people have more time than money. Therefore they will wait in a 10 minute queue or walk 20 minutes to save a pound or two. As a person acquires more money they are more likely to spend it to save time, rather than spend time to save money.

You can earn more money in life but there is little you can do to extend your natural time on earth.

In addition, feed your mind with positive, hopeful, helpful and wonderful things. Spending time wisely also means making little room for complaint, anger, negative and frustrating information or entertainment. The cost is too high.
