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What Little We Know

There are millions of books yet how many have we read? Over 8 billion people live on Earth today yet how many have you met or heard of even? Every event can be viewed in a myriad of ways and yet you will only ever know one way (yours) for most of them.

Yet we give our opinions like we are an all-knowing super-computer crunching trillions of terabytes of data per millisecond and can confidently give an excellent response to anything.

Though in reality, we barely read half an article written by a biased journalist and believe we are sufficiently well-informed to let loose over a glass of white wine at lunch.

Perhaps get some alternative viewpoints, consider they may also be valid and try to uncover the reality, even if you don’t like that answer. You owe it to yourself to be better informed, less ignorant of real options and to develop objective thinking beyond the tiny bubble you exist in.

Think things through with a little more curiosity, skepticism and thirst for real information in place of the spoon-fed biased reportage you binge on currently.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

They Are The Problem

That’s right. We know exactly who is ruining everything. When things go wrong, we can confidently say that they are the problem.

The media know it. You know it. People seem to reference them all the time.

We, of course, are not the problem. This is because we know better, we are more aware and we tell everyone so they can improve their lives. We are the solution. It is a simple solution in this complex world. Broad generalisations always avoid schisms.

If only they could see things the way we see things. They would then do things differently. Obviously differently means better. And not just a fraction better. It would mean doing things significantly better.

We know our way is practically perfect. In fact, everything should work as we prescribe. If only they would listen.

In addition to not clearly understanding the issues or the gravity of many situations, they are prone to hyperbole and embellishment. This doesn’t help. They seem to be swayed by others.

Clarifying the actual point is another problem. It’s a bit like whack-a-mole. We make our point clearly and succinctly. They then misunderstand and reply with a tangential point. They then miss the original point and confuse the second one.

We know they are the problem. When will they realise it?