
One Item At A Time

Don’t think about the pile of things to do if you have just come back from holidays. Put a few things in priority order and then start doing the most important one first. Then when you finish, just keep going with the next item and then the next.

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Get Help While You Can

Whether you need help at work, at home or for personal reasons, arrange that help as soon as you can.

The earlier the better and it will help you grow faster, tidy quicker, plan better and have things in place before you really need them.

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Fashions Come And Go

Each person might think this new fashion hasn’t happened before. They may assume they are the first ones ever to discuss this or see it evolve.

Eventually, people see enough happen over and over and write a song about it. “It’s all the same, only the names’ll change” – Bon Jovi.

History is a great thing to study when you want to learn about the future.

CategoriesObserveProgressThink About ItTimeWeight loss

What If You Meant It!?

What incredible success would you have, if you really meant what you said about your goals or wanting to make changes?

If you set yourself up to win, changed your habits and environment, had specific goals and timelines and committed fully to discipline each day rather than motivation, your success would be almost inevitable.

So what’s stopping you from setting yourself up to win?

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Get Balanced Research

If you notice your source is always biased one way, you should find some new sources of information.

Do you want quality and accurate information or do you just want to feel good about the bias you’re happy with?

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Be Prepared

The more prepared you are, the more likely things will go smoothly and you’ll succeed in whatever you are doing.

If you’re going somewhere, you’re better off if you pack a few days before and get your admin and tickets all in order in advance too.

Back to school? Get the clothes you need as well as books, pens, bag, notebooks and devices that will help you succeed. Start looking for these in advance and you may get some deals!

A prepared mind and body will usually make you more successful at every turn. The compound effect of this can be quite astounding.

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Where Will Your Actions Today Take You?

What you do today sows the seeds for your tomorrow. What seeds are you planting? If you’re not planting healthy seeds, don’t expect much in the future. Are you learning new things? Are you acquiring new skills or honing useful ones?

Your application of your knowledge and skills is required to get some feedback and build a brighter future. Sow your seeds of success today and everyday.

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Investigate The Opposite

Learning how to assess information without your emotions and bias overtaking you, is a rare and useful skill.

Some folks are so interested in winning the argument, they’re not that interested in the facts or context surrounding it.

If you want better understanding, more than having your view get more votes, then go and engage with people holding the opposite view to you. It may not change your mind but you’ll better understand the complexities of the situation.

You’ll also become a better person and have less divisive conversations. So no need to wait for others to be less difficult in conversations. You can lead the way and be more balanced from the start.