CategoriesObserveThink About It

Someone Has Your Answer

You just need to find out who and ask them the question. Yes, it’s that simple. Although, it might take days or weeks to find them, so you better get looking!

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Time Moves Forward

Occasionally time moves too slow or too fast. One thing is for certain though – time moves forward.

You can’t go back and unsay things or undo things. You have to accept and move on. This can be hard or easy, depending on what the situation was.

We can fight time and try to hold it back. Or we can decide not to accept the situation. However, it tends to make life a lot more difficult in those cases.

It would be easier if we didn’t have these emotion things. But we do. So don’t be too hard on yourself. Time also heals all wounds. You might just need more time than you would like it to be.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

What Do You Value Most?

Is it your health, wealth or music subscription? Have you thought much about this? Observe what you say and do. This will help you understand what you really value, not just what you think or say you value.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

Tide Comes In And Goes Out

As sure as the waves lap the shore, new ideas will come forward, pause and retreat. Sometimes huge waves crash on the shoreline, but the water still retreats.

We see fashions and trends come and go. The longer they stay or the more they push into the mainstream, the harder and faster they tend to snap back.

We’re seeing some very large trends almost whiplash as they’re ushered out and back into the sea of idea obscurity.

Sometimes gentle waves lapping on the shore are much better and long lasting than a tropical storm or tsunami.

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Things Change

Some change is wonderful or exciting. Other change is dreadful or painful. Change will continue to be there regardless of how we see it.

Change just is. We give the change its meaning. We can also adjust what meaning we give to the change. Do try to make it more positive. It can be very hard. But if you do this, it can have a positive impact. It will take time and repeated effort and brain training. It will be worth it though.

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Take Time To Look Around

Look around your home, office, local area and even new places too. Be curious. See everything with new eyes and possibilities.

You may have kept things a certain way for years but your tastes may have changed or your interests are different. Look around and see every single item and decide if it still brings you pure joy or if it is practical in a required way.

If not, it is time to remove that item and give it to charity, sell it or bin it.

Spring cleaning is what some people call it at this time of year. Regardless of the name, take action!

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Reading And Thinking

Do you read something and assume it’s all true or do you mull it over? Think things through from both sides, even if it makes you uncomfortable to consider opposing or alternative thoughts.

We may not always like the truth but the truth will set you free.

CategoriesActionFinancialObserveReframe your thoughts

Budget Well

Look at what you have and how you’re going to use it. Spend some, save some, invest some and give some away to those less fortunate at the time.

If you do budget well, your wealth will grow and you’ll do well with that discipline. Train your brain to set and stick to a budget. It’s a rare but very useful skill.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Let Things Play Out

Relax. A million years have passed without your input or navigation. Perhaps letting things play out would be a good idea. The idea that your very limited experience in all things in the world and ability to coordinate 8 billion lives, or even one more than yours, will be better than all those that went before you, might be a bit of a stretch.

Unless you can predict, second, third and fourth order consequences for your own life with exceptional accuracy, then it is probably time to let things play out for everyone else. Besides, you might find all that relaxing rather enjoyable.