CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressReframe your thoughts

Be Confident

Throw your shoulders back, bring your chin up a little, smile and say, “Of course they want me, I’m quite good”.

Walk around like that all day for a couple of weeks and watch your life change. A lot of success in life is about being confident. If you appreciate all the things you have done and all your experiences, it is easier to see why you should be confident and ready for everything going forward.

You may not start off brilliant, but knowing you’ll get better with effort is so important. Because at least you’ll try!

Be confident. Sometimes that’s all you have.

CategoriesProgressReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Rational Thought

Do not be led by fear. Some concern is fine but to assume that all negative or fear-based ideas will come true is unnecessary.

People say a lot of things. Ignore most of them. Also, understand their bias. They are probably trying to influence you for a reason. If they use facts, they are genuine. If they name-call, use fear or invoke strong negative emotion, they are playing you for a fool; and enjoying your naivety.

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Strong Push

Sometimes you need to give a strong push to complete a project, revise for an exam or finish a race or workout.

If it’s not very difficult or draining, both mentally and physically, you might not really understand the word strong.

It could involve two days with no sleep or six days with only 3 hours sleep a night. It will be uncomfortable but it is short term and required to ensure the goal is met in the required time.

Train your brain to push through the pain and challenges and on to the win!!!

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Put The Effort In

You must always do your best. Put in extra effort to all things. You never know who is watching and what might come of your efforts.

And you’ll build confidence and self-esteem too.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

Close Loops

Each time we start something we are best to finish it or cancel it. We need to close the open loop.

You see, when you start a conversation, a project, a task or even an idea in your head, you open a loop. Your mind will keep coming back to this loop until it is closed in some way – completed, cancelled, accepted.

This revisiting of these open loops can drain you of energy and decision making power. That is not good. It leaves less energy for current important things. So every time you can, Close an open loop. You’ll feel lighter and be more effective.